Dean Feige is coming to town next week
Many of us remember Dean Feige from school. He was with us through at least part of our freshman year, before moving to, well, I think it was Portland.
Dean was also the best left-handed pitcher on the Dietzen's Thriftway Dodgers, a Little League team in the late 1950s.
A potluck is being planned at Kris and Bob Chudomelka's place on Saturday, Sept. 27, beginning at 3 p.m. But wait, there's more: This will also be a planning meeting for next year's reunion for the Great Class of 1965. Yep, this will be number 50.
So plan to join others who knew Dean and members of the class for an afternoon of visiting and planning. Bring a hot or cold dish to share. I'm planning to bring an elk stew. Call me at 762-5158 with questions.