Bond committee meets at 6:30 tonight at Moses Lake School District Transportation Center
MOSES LAKE — The committee tasked with recommending whether or not to offer a construction bond proposal to Moses Lake School District voters will meet at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the district transportation center, 920 East Yonezawa Blvd.
The Moses Lake School Board has called a special meeting so board members will be in attendance. As a board meeting it's open to the public.
Committee participants will be talking about ways to survey district patrons and find out if they're behind a bond proposal, and what should be included if they support a bond, district superintendent Michelle Price said.
District voters rejected a $115 million bond in 2012, which included a new high school and two new elementary schools. A bond committee and community meeting last week included results of a study on district demographics and growth conducted in 2013.
The study concluded that Moses Lake will keep growing, and will be over capacity at the elementary schools by 2018. The high school is already over capacity and the study concluded the high school population will keep growing also.
The study included options for one new elementary school and a new high school, or expansion at Moses Lake High School. School board members voted in August to offer a bond during a special election in February, if the committee recommends offering a bond.