A citizen's duty
It is the citizen's duty to be an informed voter. The majority of citizens could be well informed voters who control the government. Or we can ignore our duty, and become enslaved by corrupt officials and unconstitutional laws.
Initiative 594 will do nothing to keep criminals from obtaining weapons. However, it appears designed to create problems for the majority of gun owners, and law enforcement agencies. It would create a registry of firearms. It could make a simple transaction between friends into a felony criminal act. It would burden gun owners, gun dealers, and law enforcement with expensive and time consuming procedures.
Initiative 594 is an eighteen page direct assault on Article I, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution which reads, in part, "The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, ..."! The portions that are most objectionable are buried deeply, far beyond the point where most people would stop reading.
Given that no law prevents criminal acts, we do not need a massive law designed to convert otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals on the books!
Just think, your ultimate defense of your life may depend on what you hold in your hand. A cell phone is not an effective defense weapon.
Thomas Fancher
Moses Lake