Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Words have meaning

| September 5, 2014 6:00 AM

Words have meaning! The pen is mightier than the sword!

Critical reading and writing are crucial to the legislative process. Seldom have I ever met anyone who is as thorough and precise as Dani Bolyard.

We have often been duped by an initiative or referendum that has a pleasing title and a glowing description in the voter's guide... that is how we got mandatory public sector unions for care-givers in this state.

Remember when a certain Congress-critter from California told us we "needed to pass a bill to find out what is in it"... that is wrong, wrong, wrong... once passed, they are often difficult, if not impossible to amend or repeal.

One must read the entire bill, carefully considering each and every phrase to insure that nothing nasty slips through.

I have heard people say things about Dani that I know are not true based on the fact that she doesn't support an initiative or bill. If you hear such things I invite you to ask her, "why?" and she will give you a very precise answer as to why the initiative or bill is poorly written or has ambiguous language or is contrary to the Constitution.

She is very easy to talk to, approachable, respectful and responsive.

Dani Bolyard is "precisely" the sort of person I want to represent the 13th District in the State House.

Susan Freeman

Moses Lake