Thursday, March 06, 2025

People first

| September 5, 2014 6:00 AM

One of our 'proven leaders' controlled the Grant Co. Republican party for nearly ten years as his own "do as I say" club. But when the citizens elected too many who challenged his agenda, he just refused to hold any meetings until their two year terms expired. His years of 'leadership' allowed him to write new rules that let him hold a 'closed' meeting on his private property, where he replaced several members on the executive board and appointed persons that night who voted to let him do as he chose. The people he appointed did not stay on in those positions, they were only there to help him remove board members who had dissented from his agenda. The over-used campaign slogan "proven leadership" is often nothing more than the typical padded resume.

The next group the people of Grant County elected to run the party showed him the door at their first opportunity. The Washington State Republican party hierarchy was not happy to lose their compliant 'leader.' The coming elections have given them an unexpected opportunity to get him elected to an office where we will expect him to listen to the people before the party...not likely. I expect the elected to represent the citizens not a political party. The party puts its money behind who they want elected. For any other candidate to run against the party's choice, they seldom can match the money the machine is willing to spend to buy, I mean 'win,' the election.

When a person is conducting a business transaction they are typically cordial and accommodating, motivated by personal gain. That should not be confused with ethics.

I hope to see Dani Bolyard elected. An intelligent, informed representative of the people first, not the party's agenda above all. Not a lot of money, but unimpeachable integrity.

Jon Smith

Moses Lake