Thursday, May 02, 2024

Garth Dano's son vouches for his dad's character

by Submitted Garrett Dano
| October 25, 2014 6:00 AM

Honor. Courage. Commitment. Those are the three fundamental core values that every single Marine is taught, as well as encouraged to reaffirm in his or her behavior, conduct, and performance every minute of every day. While I do not have the extensive service history our current prosecutor Angus Lee has in serving with the Corps, I was fortunate enough to attend the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School in 2009 after college, and had the pleasure of meeting and briefly serving with some of the best men and women serving our country each day.

However, due to a ruptured appendix two weeks prior to commencement, I was sent back home. I subsequently had severe issues with immaturity and alcohol, for which I am fully responsible and prevented my return to the Corps. I will not be eligible to return until next year. I admit to my mistakes, and I am making amends each day to not repeat them through my actions and words.

I do not approve of my father's driving record, and personal history from 20 years ago, as I more than anyone, have experienced it first-hand. However, I do know my father more than most. While he isn't perfect, just like the rest of us, he has made serious amends for his past mistakes, and is a good man who has tried to run an honorable, clean election by not once issuing a negative or false advertisement or allegation toward Mr. Lee. A man's actions and how he conducts himself each and every day speaks volumes about his character and what he represents.

It has greatly disappointed to me to hear, from 3,000 miles away, how a Force Recon Marine who was awarded the Purple Heart and honorably served our country has conducted himself in the current election for prosecutor. Mr. Lee should know more than most what true honor and integrity look like. I will always respect and thank his service for our county and no one can take that away. However, that does not excuse Mr. Lee, or how any of us conduct ourselves each and every day. We should want more from our elected officials, who like Marines, should lead by example. We should want more from ourselves and one another. Mud-slinging and personal attacks are so commonplace in politics today, that I feel we have grown to just accept it, when deep down we all know that it's wrong and there is nothing honorable or commendable about it. I've heard many supporters of this campaign style say that, "It's not dirty because it's just a statement of facts." Is that the honest truth? Or is it something they say to justify a means to an end? It truly saddens me if we accept this as permissible behavior.

I can't ever imagine using a man's family mistakes, which are private, unfounded, and have no true bearing on a county prosecutorial election 20 years later, in an attempt to seek votes and discredit honest, current legal experience, professionalism, and character. The Marines that I know would never condone or encourage that behavior, or attempt to hurt a man's family for an election.

I am not asking anyone to vote for my father. I want you all to vote for whom you feel is the right person for the job. I only hope that we as voters, Americans, and human beings vote for someone who will represent us based on his or her integrity, honor, courage, and commitment. Vote for who you really feel is the best candidate for the position through his personal experience, how he conducts himself, and what he wants to change and accomplish for all of us.

Per what I was taught at OCS, "Honor: The bedrock of our character. The quality that guides us to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior; never to lie, cheat, or steal; to abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; to respect human dignity; to have respect and concern for each other. The quality of maturity, dedication, trust, and dependability, that commits us to act responsibly; to be accountable for actions; to fulfill obligations; and to hold others accountable for their actions."