Wednesday, May 01, 2024

VOTE DAN Newhouse

| October 22, 2014 6:00 AM

Warnick supports Newhouse

I would like to offer reasons why I trust Dan Newhouse to be my next congressman. When I was elected to the Washington House of Representatives, he held a leadership position in the Republican Caucus.

A strong mentor to our caucus members, he showed respect to all who served in the legislature from both parties. Dan is committed, competent and compassionate, adding a voice of reason to any and all conversations.

Sitting next to him in the House Agriculture and Natural Resource Committee hearings showed me his understanding of the need to protect our farmers and agri-businesses plus the benefits of conserving our natural resources for future generations.

I also saw that commitment to our State when he served as Washington's Director of Ag, where that voice of reason was evident while serving as a well-respected part of the overwhelmingly liberal-minded gubernatorial cabinet.

Dan understands the need to reach across the political aisle to find agreement on issues that affect our state and nation. He was successful in the legislature, even while our caucus was in the super-minority, without compromising his conservative values or integrity.

A phrase I've heard quoted often is, "political establishment." Well, if being a true statesman makes Dan established, all the better. I want someone who has the experience it takes to end the political gridlock in Washington, D.C. and serve our area for the long-haul.

Dan is a devoted husband, proud father and successful farmer with a proven track record, just the person I want to represent me in Washington D.C

Judy Warnick

Moses Lake