The City of Mesa City Council will conduct a public hearing June 10, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at Mesa City Hall, P.O. Box 146, 103 Franklin Street, Mesa, WA 99343 for the purpose of the following:
2015-2020 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan
The City of Mesa City Council will conduct a public hearing June 10, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at Mesa City Hall, P.O. Box 146, 103 Franklin Street, Mesa, WA 99343 for the purpose of the following:
2015-2020 Six Year Transportation
Improvement Plan
The hearing will be to receive public comment and views. If you have any comments for this topic please attend this meeting or submit your comments to City Hall before the meeting.
City Hall is handicapped accessible. Please let us know if you will need any special accommodations to attend this meeting. Call 265-4253.
(Published May 22, 2014, in the Franklin County Graphic.)