Thursday, March 06, 2025

What will Obama's legacy be?

| May 16, 2014 6:00 AM

Legacy? It is improbable that I shall read the historical perspective regarding the 44th president 50 years from now. History tends to remove the political propaganda that skews the "news" according to the political leanings of the reporters and editors.

Regardless of all the claims made about the greatness of our current economy compared to conditions over the past 50 to 100 years, the real question is what will be the "history" of our economy and government over the next 50 years? Will there be a major economic collapse? Will the United States be involved in a Third World War during the next 50 years? Our current government does not recognize the simple fact that a "Declaration of Peace" means nothing to those who seek to destroy our country. The current government refuses to even identify those who would attack our country.

People who think the "Affordable Health Care Act" is really good fail to recognize that "health care insurance" is not actual "health care!" Should we look at the current state of the Veterans Administration health care as an indicator as to just how great actual "health care" will be in the future? Will actual health care, especially for those on Medicare, become the unspoken mechanism for population reduction?

Fifty or 100 years in the future, if a truly free press exists, and people have been educated using the actual words written by the men who founded this country (not the words written about them), only then will people have a true perspective as the legacy of President Forty-Four (as well as those who preceded him).

Thomas Fancher

Moses Lake