Reader questions plans for lottery funds
In the Herald on Monday, March 10 was the headlined "Lottery may help fund schools."
I was shocked because I have always believed that the Lottery money went to the schools. In fact, I believed the schools had spent all the lottery money and were robbing other sources. Many times, I heard from others, that the lottery money was to have solved all the money problems for Washington State schools. Why did the school people not tell us the money was diverted? Did the school system not know? Why did some of our elected officials not tell us of the diversions? However, after the latest fiasco, which is the initiative to change the liquor control from public to private delivery and we were favored with a huge tax increase, who can be believed? I am mostly unhappy with myself as I have believed that we have had good representation in Olympia and that is apparently not true.
Clay Crook
Moses Lake