Royal School District 160 is requesting E-Rate Priority 2 Internal Connections bids for classroom audio/video switching systems, as defined by the Technical Specifications outlined.
Royal School District 160
Classroom A/V AV-140225
E-Rate Form 470# 380210001232105
Royal City, Washington
Royal School District 160 is requesting E-Rate Priority 2 Internal Connections bids for classroom audio/video switching systems, as defined by the Technical Specifications outlined. Qualified bidders may obtain the Technical Specifications, bid documents, and contract information online at
Site visits to assess current infrastructure can be scheduled by contacting Each bid must be submitted to Royal School District in a sealed
opaque envelope. Sealed bids must be received by 11:00 AM on March 25, 2014 at the following address:
Royal School District
ATTN: Adam Yearout
901 Ahlers Rd
P.O. Box 486
Royal City, WA 99357-0486
At that time, bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by the Royal School District or its authorized representative at the above address. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date and hour set forth above for the bid opening. Bids must include a listing of any sub-contractor whose price equals 10% or more of the bid. Any bids received after the time for bid opening will not be considered. Royal School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bid or the bidding.
Royal School District 160 complies with all state and federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, marital status, or disability. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to District Administration.
March 11, 2014
Royal School District 160
Adam Yearout
Technology Director
Pub.: Columbia Basin Herald March 12, 14, 18 & 20, 2014
Royal Register March 18, 2014