Surplus Sale
Notice is hereby given that equipment and materials have been declared surplus by the Board of Directors of North Franklin School District No. 51. Surplus items include misc. sports equipment, furniture, sports uniforms, ceramic pottery kiln, weight lifting equipment, TV’s and other miscellaneous items.
Surplus Sale
Notice is hereby given that equipment and materials have been declared surplus by the Board of Directors of North Franklin School District No. 51. Surplus items include misc. sports equipment, furniture, sports uniforms, ceramic pottery kiln, weight lifting equipment, TV’s and other miscellaneous items. A more complete list will be made available by June 23rd, 2014. Buyers not able to attend the public sale can email bid to Cindy Sital at or Sue Robertson at
The District intends to sell these items at a public sale on June 30th, 2014 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. Buyers will have the opportunity to view surplused items at 10:00 am, June 30th, 2014 prior to sale at 11:00 am. The sale will take place at the Columbia Basin Livestock Building located at 1100 W. Clark Street, Connell, WA 99326, behind the Connell High School.
Buyers will be responsible for removing all items awarded, no later than July 2nd, 2014. The District will not transport or deliver items. Any items not picked up by July 2nd at 4:00 pm will be subject to owner discretion.
(Published June 19 and June 26, 2014, in the Franklin County Graphic.)