Wahluke High School damaged in senior prank
MATTAWA - Apparently some Wahluke High School graduating seniors don't like their shiny, sparkling, relatively new building.
Eleven have been disciplined for a senior prank that left the building damaged recently. Superintendent Aaron Chavez informed the public through a letter to news outlets.
"Due to student confidentiality laws, I can address the incident but cannot identify any of the students involved," he said.
The incident occurred the night of May 28. Eleven Wahluke School District students entered the high school unlawfully, apparently to conduct a senior prank. They used paint ball guns to damage the exterior of the building.
"They also herded the district's FFA pigs into the commons area," Chavez said. "The pigs also damaged the interior of the building."
The school district notified the Grant County Sheriffs Office and together with school officials identified all who participated in the vandalism.
"The school district has decided not to pursue criminal charges and that discipline through our student conduct system will serve as the consequence for all the students involved," Chavez said.
Mattawa Police Chief John Turley said his department was not called because the high school is in the county. He was informed after the fact.
"I'm glad they were able to resolve this," he said. "Criminal charges could have delayed graduation and affected scholarships that were already awarded."
Turley said the incident involved some of the top students, academically speaking. He said all of the students involved were allowed to graduate but were not allowed to march at commencement.
Turley said criminal charges could have included theft and burglary. He was especially unappreciative of the FFA pig inclusion in the incident.
"The commons is where the students eat and where they gather on breaks. That was very unhealthy," he said.
Chavez termed the incident a "serious act" that would be dealt with in a serious manner. He hopes the punishment serves as a warning to others who decide to cause damage to facilities in the future.
"I feel extremely disappointed in those who participated in the vandalism and encourage all students to think twice before committing any similar acts," he said.