Thursday, March 06, 2025

Golf tournament nets $11K for Big Bend

by <a Href="Http:
| June 16, 2014 1:00 PM

MOSES LAKE - Big Bend Community College will have a new set of automated external defibrillators later this summer, thanks to efforts by the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs of Moses Lake.

The two service organizations partnered to host their Golf Scramble at the Moses Lake Golf Club last week. This is the fourth year the clubs have put on the golf tournament, Rotarian Dave Campbell said.

"This really is a partnership between the two service organizations," he said. "It's a great event."

Funds from past tournaments have aided the Boys and Girls Club and the Moses Lake School District. Last year, the groups raised enough money to put AEDs in every Moses Lake public and Christian school, according to a previous Columbia Basin Herald article.

Campbell said this year's project is very similar. Funds from the tournament will be used to purchase AEDs again, but this time they'll be going to the college, he said.

"The American Heart Association says the benchmark from the time someone collapses to when an AED would be there to shock them if they're having a heart attack should be no more than three minutes," Campbell said. "Some buildings, like the ATEC, have one AED but a facility that big needs another one."

He said the plan is to put an AED in every building at BBCC that's used by the public - which amounts to about 20. The project, which involves purchasing the AEDs, cabinets to hold them, wall signs and related supplies, will cost an estimated $25,600 to complete.

Campbell said the tournament netted just over $11,000. The rest of the money needed purchase the AEDs is coming from a grant from The Rotary Foundation and individual donations, he said.

Tournament Results

The Les Schwab team took home the award for lowest gross score. They were followed in that category by Lake Bowl and CliftonLarsonAllen golfers.

Rock Steel Structures finished the tournament with the lowest net score. Second and third place for lowest net score went to Washington Trust Bank and Express Employment Professionals.

Steve Slack hit the longest drive for the men, Donna Goude for the women. Bim Lindsey and Terri Riley-Brown made the longest putts in the tournament.