Community Q&A for Soap Lake principal candidates
SOAP LAKE - Soap Lake School District residents will get a chance to talk to the candidates for high school principal from 6 to 8 p.m. June 11 in the middle school/high school cafeteria.
Principal Rick Winters announced his resignation in April. He will take a job in Salt Lake City, Utah, district superintendent Dan McDonald said.
The three candidates will be announced by Friday, McDonald said. Parents and district patrons will have a chance to talk to and ask questions of the candidates, McDonald said. Participants will be asked to write their reactions, he said. Their comments will be considered by the school board as part of the selection process, he said.
Applications will close June 30 for the position of elementary school principal, McDonald said. Current principal Dan Andrews also announced his resignation in April; he accepted a job in the West Valley School District near Spokane.
McDonald said district officials haven't decided yet whether or not they will sponsor a community forum for the elementary principal candidates. The finalists will be chosen in early July.
Some of the candidates for high school/middle school principal have applied for the elementary job as well, he said. The candidate pool has been split about 50-50 between applicants with previous administrative experience and those without, McDonald said.
The Soap Lake School Board voted May 19 to eliminate two positions at the high school, called a "reduction in force."
McDonald said the district lost some of the funding it received for school improvement, and district officials were forced to cut some teaching positions as a result. One position was eliminated through retirement, he said.