Thursday, March 06, 2025

Support for Bolyard

| July 25, 2014 6:00 AM

Have you ever gotten an old car and gone through the process of learning if it will be reliable and trustworthy or be unsafe, undependable, and constantly let you down? Then because of someone's uncaring, inattention and carelessness your old car is damaged. Not a lot of damage but because you were still learning the good and bad of know it is not worth trying to repair. So we go around dented until something better can be found.

Political campaigns can be similar to that scenario. Before we can learn enough about each candidate to be sure whom to's time to mark our ballots.

In the present race to attain Judy Warnick's District 13 Representative position, we have only two choices. One is a member in good standing with the good old boys Republican machine. He has worked to advance the agenda of his party masters and avoids having open discussion and debate with any opposing viewpoint. Sometimes the self anointing proclamation of "proven leadership" should include a disclaimer. The whole "it's my turn" expectation of deserving the position due to political party loyalty is abhorrent.

There is also a strong, articulate, educated woman. She has volunteered throughout central Washington for many community minded causes, not just political party agenda goals. To be sure she is very much a conservative Republican, but not a "party comes first" crony. Dani Bolyard is a thoughtful, detail oriented woman. She listens to others' ideas and researches before standing firm on an issue. We all deserve and expect to be heard-out by the people we elect to represent us. Dani Bolyard walks the walk, she owes no favoritism and isn't seeking office because it's her turn. Vote Dani Bolyard for district 13 representative.

Jon Smith

Moses Lake