Royal announces science fair winners
ROYAL CITY - Science instructor Ben Orth has announced the results of the Royal Middle School (RMS) Science Fair, which was held the last day of school before Christmas vacation.
The two-student team chosen winners are Hayden Huss and Logan Glbert. They developed, and flew, a space balloon from Issaquah back to the Royal City area. They chose to launch their space balloon in Issaquah because of the flight pattern they desired.
"They had researched the projected winds and trajectory and had a rough guess of where it might land if they launched it from there (prevailing winds push balloons to the east)," Ben Orth said. "They were researching to see how far it would travel and what kind of conditions would it be able to capture on video."
Huss and Gilbert will represent Royal Middle School at the spring STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) conference in Yakima later this spring.
More than 120 students participated in the hands-on project that allows RMS students to explore a variety of topics utilizing the scientific method.
"Congratulations to each of the placers for their effort and excellence exhibited both during the experimentation and communication of data gathered," Orth said.
The Top 10:
- 1st - Hayden Huss and Logan Gilbert - Space Balloon
- 2nd - Jorge Medina and Hadley Jenks - Exploding Gases
- 3rd - Lesly Martinez and Joanna Tellez - CO2 Gas Bubbles
- 4th - Noelia Juarez and Sariah Hebdon - Mentos Explosion
- 5th - Kay Lester and Shelby Eckenberg - Cat and Dog Bacteria
- 6th - Kassandra Edeza and Emma Barett - Egg Experiment
- 7th - Eduardo Rodriguez and Israel Rivera - Memory Wars
- 8th - Rebecca Follett and Daisy Rodriguez - Brain Games
- 9th - Giselle Quintero and Melissa Salgado - Bubble Drop
- 10th - Angie Cardenas and Denisse Arroyo - Brain Teaser