Career fair exhibitor registration open
MOSES LAKE - Registration is open for companies who are planning to exhibit in the Job and Career Fair at Big Bend Community College in April.
This year marks the 21st annual career fair, Doug Sly said, the college's public information specialist. Traditionally the career fair draws more than 60 companies, colleges and training programs, Sly said. For that reason companies are encouraged to register early.
The career fair is scheduled for April 17 in the ATEC building on the BBCC campus.
"Employers historically attending the Job and Career Fair include companies involved in manufacturing, food processing, retail, service industries, health care, aerospace, education and technology," Sly said.
The career fair also includes workshops designed to help job seekers land employment. "Employers will be asked to participate in the panel discussions of specific areas, like manufacturing and health care," Sly said. A fourth workshop will address dealing with stress during the job search.
All workshops are free.
As they register, the names of participating employers are posted on the career fair website,, Sly said.
College officials estimate the career fair has drawn 1,200 to 1,800 attendees in recent years, he said.
"There is no other event in this area where you can touch base with so many employers in one location in one day," coordinator Deborah Correll said. Employers who want to register can contact Correll at, or at 509-793-2116