Finishing year 23 and beginning year 24
Time flies by, as the saying goes. This anniversary each year amazes me, as they seem to come faster each year. Today marks the end of 23 years of writing this column for the Columbia Basin Herald. It also means the beginning of year 24.
The annual anniversary column allows me to not only reflect on the past year of writing, but also the past 23 years. A little background information is in order.
My outdoor writing began when an article about floating Winchester Wasteway was published by the Herald in 1985. However the Herald was not interested in a weekly column.
I turned to the publisher and editor of The Outdoor Press, a weekly outdoor-minded tabloid based in Spokane. Fred Peterson encouraged me to write a weekly column for his publication. He was my mentor and encouraged me along the way for a few years. Fred was also my sponsor for joining the Northwest Outdoor Writers' Association.
I approached the editor of the Herald about writing a weekly column in September of 1990. They weren't interested. However, the editor called me the next month and asked if I was interested in writing a few stories for the annual Hunting Tabloid. I was and did, thinking this was my chance to write an outdoors column for the publication. Alas, such as column was not in the cards.
Then the Herald atmosphere changed when a new and outdoors-minded publisher assumed control in January of 1991. After settling in for a week or so he asked if the editor and advertising manager knew of anyone who might be interested in writing a weekly outdoors column. They both mentioned my name and I received the call.
The beginning date of this column was Feb. 13, 1991 and the name was "Clay Feets." The same name I used when writing for Fred. A future editor wanted to change the name, because it had nothing to do with the outdoors.
After much contemplation a solution was found. It was so easy and appropriate it almost escaped me; use a different word, which is pronounced the same as feets, but has a different meaning. The editor thought it appropriate and the column has had the name of "Clay Feats" since then.
The objective of this column from the beginning has been to be informative, instead of offensive or insulting. This doesn't mean the words in the column don't slam an issue hard, as a way of making people think about a topic.
There are outdoor writers who write about one subject only, such as bass fishing or elk hunting. Instead, my idea of a hometown newspaper outdoors column includes anything outside the front door of the house. This means the column has covered bird watching, bass fishing, deer hunting, walleye fishing, elk hunting, salmon fishing, goose hunting, geocaching, outdoor cooking, camping, survival and many other topics.
Clay Feats is a living entity, not a living animal or plant of course, but evolving year after year and thus it is living in my book. Yes, some topics are repetitive, such as the Christmas gift ideas and the first column of the year, which encourages everyone to give back to the outdoors.
Survival is an annual topic and a mandatory subject for families who enjoy camping and hiking in the Great Outdoors. Both the adults and youth of families need to study and learn about survival. Columns such as this have the potential of saving lives.
Outdoor cooking will again be explored with various cooking ideas, perhaps Dutch oven cooking or cast iron cooking or cooking with a camp stove. Also we will continue to present day trips columns to our readers, so they may explore this great part of the country where we live.
Sometimes a reader doesn't want to study a topic, such as in a learning column, but would rather relax and enjoy a good story. The columns beginning with, "So there I was, minding my own business, when ..." are intended to be enjoyable and a bit humorous.
New techniques and equipment has provided the opportunity for this writer to learn and pass along the new information. I take this job seriously and realize writing a weekly outdoors column is a tremendous responsibility, one I'm willingly shoulder.
Garnet and I will be camping at our favorite spot several times this year, Site 23 at Potholes State Park. If you see our 26-foot Hideout travel trailer at the park, be sure to stop by for a visit.
Year 23 is complete and Garnet and I are excited to provide another 12 months, 52 weeks, of outdoor columns during year 24.