Royal boys drop games to Connell and Burbank
ROYAL CITY - Despite playing four straight quarters of winning basketball last weekend, Royal's boys dropped games to Connell, 54-42, and Burbank, 69-51.
Royal won the last three quarters against the Eagles, 38-37, and the first period against the Coyotes, 14-13. But there was a 4-17 first quarter against Connell, and Burbank ran away with the last three quarters of that game.
"Tough to come back after spotting Connell 15 points before we even score," coach Pete Christensen. "But as you can see, we won the game after that."
Aaron Johnson led the scoring against Connell with 11 points. Chase Christensen added nine points. Riley Lefler and Teddy Mead had six rebounds each.
Lefler led the scoring against Burbank with 16 points. Christensen had 12, and Johnson made 10. Lefler had five rebounds.