Thursday, March 06, 2025

Annual Country Sweethearts benefit Saturday

by Tiffany SukolaHerald Staff Writer
| February 6, 2014 5:00 AM

MOSES LAKE - Basin residents can help raise funds for the Columbia Basin Cancer Foundation this weekend.

The group's annual Country Sweethearts benefit dinner, dance and auction takes place at the Grant County Fairgrounds Saturday. The event serves as their main fundraiser of the year, said foundation executive director Angel Kneedler.

"It generates most of the funding for that year," she said. Community members helped raise $55,000 during last year's event, according to the cancer foundation's website.

Money raised during the event helps the foundation fund the various programs and services they provide to cancer patients in Grant and Adams counties, said Kneedler.

"We support cancer patients and help with things insurance doesn't cover," she said. The foundation can help patients who have to travel for treatment cover gas and food costs for example, said Kneedler.

"We have educational materials and provide support groups," she said. "It's a big thing when people are diagnosed to get support and connecting with people who have been down that road can be helpful."

Kneedler said the Country Sweethearts benefit is a way for the community to show their support for those with cancer. And each year, she is amazed at just how much support is out there, she said.

"We raised $55,000 last year, that was fantastic," said Kneedler. "The community support we receive at or through this event is confirmation that people are interested and care about their neighbors with cancer."

This year's event starts at 5 p.m. at the fairgrounds' 4H building.

Kneedler said the night includes dinner, dancing and both live and silent auctions. She said attendees are encouraged to dress country casual.

Tickets are $65 per person or $500 for a table of eight and can be purchased by calling 509-765-4644 or going to the foundation's office at 1031 W. Broadway Ave.

For more information, visit