PUD Commissioners
After reading this week's article on the rate increase I was inclined to respond.
Isn't it about time to stop the inequities and just get back to basics?
What was this PUD created for? I don't think it was to give away the power to an industry that removes land from agriculture production while raising rates for irrigation.
I don't think 9 different rate classes were in the works either.
How can a public utility remain open and honest about its task while playing shell games with its funds that are entrusted to it from Grant county residence?
The commissioners respond to said rate increase with arrogant statements of "Somebody is going to pay more and somebody is going to pay less"!
Nobody needs to pay less!! If some have to pay more all will pay equally according to the share of power used. Not the discount given to them.
The facts and figures are incomple! te and biased towards getting a rate increase.
It was stated for revenues to match expenses rates for irrigation would have to go up 46%, residential 27%, large industrial down by 37%, to match next year's expenses? Good scare tactics. You have revenues and you have expenses period. No smoke and mirrors and hidie holes. Some years you have big maintenance and some years a gravy train. What were expenses to build out to the large industrial? It's not cheap and it's not free. Once the large industrial is in place build out is complete. Yes, and cash from those units comes rolling in. New houses and irrigation expansion cost, but the customer placing those facilities pays also.
You think street lights only need a .5% increase? How nice. They're over priced, out dated hooks into city funds. We have to pay for them along with our own utilities.
Anybody can play with the numbers to make it work to their needs.
So stop playing with the numbers and stop taking from! those that are in greatest need.
We need one rate for all customers to stop the nonsense of rate manipulation and inequities.
We need one rate increase percentage for all customers. That includes outside sales of our power. This isn't mentioned in this article. What's with that?
Those server farms do not produce anything. Look inside commissioners. They take; it's not a real farm. Few jobs are produced after the buildings are erected and on line. Compared to our food processors the server farms should get the Boiler rate for the heat generated and electricity wasted.
I don't believe a 2.4% wage increase is in order when Social Security's pay raise is 1.5% which is tagged to the CPI. Why should the PUD be different in a rural area that cost of living is trumpeted as one of our greatest assets? Why almost double the CPI rate at 2.4% wage increase instead of a respectable 1.5% increase for all employees during this time of need?
You get controversy when politics and politicians chase the cash instead of serving the public.
That public does not have a corporate name or high paid lobbyist. We just have you. Don't represent the highest bidder. Represent the highest intent.
William Love