Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Taxes for violating gun laws

| December 12, 2014 3:00 AM

I have sent this idea to the White House when the issue of gun control was a subject on television. The President liked it but went with other ideas that are more practical in a community. I know the people that use guns in a criminal fashion. Yes I have been in prison and a couple of times in county jail. My idea is to add a tax to the fines and jail time when a person violates a gun law.

Washington State operates on taxes and when Governor Chris asked us if we wanted the sin tax we gladly accepted it. Taxes are a good thing and when we use them in a way that does more than just give the state income then we have done well. I know that when I have my thoughts set on something I will find a way to get it even if I have to go around it, over it or through it. Using a gun is not the only way to get what you want. Using a gun in a crime I think is the deadliest way to go about it.

Us guys that go to jail have thought about what we are going to do and the consequences if we get caught doing it. Knowing that we will get taxed if we violate a gun law just adds to the problems we think about in our planning. Getting the conversation going to add a tax to the gun violation laws is a good start. Remember that the only thing that is guaranteed in life is Taxes and Death. We can use taxes in the death is gun violence.

Severiano Salas Jr.

Moses Lake