More hunting seasons open in a couple weeks
The forest grouse seasons opens on Sept. 1 and continues through Dec. 31. The limit is four a day with a possession limit of 12 straight or mixed bag.
The bobcat season also opens on Sept. 1 with no limit.
An early Canada goose season is scheduled for Goose Management Areas 4 and 5 on Sept. 13 and 14. These areas are basically lands east of the Cascade Mountains. The daily limit will be three with a possession limit of six. Remember this hunt is for Canada geese only.
The special youth hunt is scheduled for Sept. 20 and 21, with a daily limit of four and a possession limit of eight. The youth hunter must be under 16 years old and accompanied by an adult who is 18 years old and not hunting. Again, this hunt is for Canada geese only.