Perkins wins Big Cups
ROYAL CITY - The cups were just the right size at Royal Golf Course on Saturday, September 14, for Elijah Perkins.
The holes on the greens were enlarged to nine inches instead of the customary 4 1/2 for the first Big Cups Tournament. Perkins made enough birdies to score a 12-under par 60, low gross for the tourney.
Eliud Villarreal won the low net scoring with a 57. Second low net was a tie that 64 between Levi Johnson, Kim Arthur and Jim Muir.
Fifth place low net was also a tie between Jaime Bailliet, Terry Stumpf and Bob Murphy, all with 68. Stumpf won long drive, and Murphy won straight drive.
"Seems like everyone had fun, although the Big Cups didn't necessarily help some players," Pro Randy Puetz said.