Tuesday, January 07, 2025

The Fishin' Magician

by FishingMagician.comDave Graybill
| September 14, 2013 6:00 AM

Monday, September 2

Eric Granstrom and I jumped on board with two clients of Shane Magnuson's the other day, and captured the action at Chelan Falls.

His clients, Ron and Connie Monson, were from Missouri and had never fished for salmon before. They were very impressed.

The first fish that Connie hooked was a wild fish, well over 20 pounds, which was released. Her next fish was as a keeper and it was all she could do to hold it up for a photo.

I hooked the next fish and passed the rod over to Ron. It turned out to be a keeper, too and just slightly larger than Connie's.

The fish hit Super Bait early in the day, and then Shane switched to Mag Lip Flatfish, wrapped with tuna, later on. There are still good numbers of kings hanging out at Chelan Falls and they are in really good shape for this time of year, too.

I have been using the launch on the Chelan side of the river here, but have switch to the campground park on the Douglas County side now. There are too many weeds around the other launch with the low water. Both launches are free.

Wednesday, September 4

Anglers have been able to fish for summer run Chinook on the Wenatchee River above Dryden Dam since the 1st of September, and there are good numbers of them dispersed through this stretch.

Last season I had many reports of success on these big kings, and I just got a note from a buddy that says that they will take a fly.

Tom Bartlett, of Plain, landed a big king over the past weekend, casting a lead-head pattern that he tied himself.

I also wanted to remind anglers that the Snake River opened to fishing for salmon on the 1st of September. There is a generous three fish, hatchery adult limit on the Snake, and anglers can also take three hatchery steelhead a day in this fishery.

I also checked the fall run fish counts, and they continue to run well ahead of last year and the ten year average. There are thousands of fall fish headed are way.

Anglers will soon be shifting their focus from the upper Columbia to White Bluffs, the Hanford Reach and below Wanapum Dam. The biggest kings of the year are taken in the fall and I can't wait to get after them.