Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| September 9, 2013 1:00 PM

Sealed bids will be received by Grant County Airport District No. 1, at 504 Clubhouse Way W., Desert Aire, WA, 99349, until 2 p.m., September 25, 2013, for the Runway 10/28 Safety Area Grading project

Sealed bids will be received by Grant County Airport District No. 1, at 504 Clubhouse Way W., Desert Aire, WA, 99349, until 2 p.m., September 25, 2013, for the Runway 10/28 Safety Area Grading project, at which time the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received after the time for opening will not be considered. Work includes clearing and mowing of desert vegetation, excavation, embankment, leveling, and compaction of approximately 19,000cy of desert soil and hydro-mulching/seeding in preparation for paving the Desert Aire runway at a later date. Bid documents may be obtained from Grant County Airport District No. 1 (541-379-9587 or 360-436-6277) for a non-refundable fee of $50 for each set. Bidders are required to inspect the site prior to the bid opening (Call the listed numbers for an escort) and to pay prevailing wages. A bid bond must accompany the bid. The district retains the right to reject any and all bids and to waive minor irregularities in the bidding process.


Pub.: September 5 & 9, 2013