Fresh News from MarDon
As Potholes Reservoir cools with incoming fall weather the fishing for all species will only get better. The bass guys are having a ball with largemouth bass at the face of the dunes. Smallmouth bass are most catchable at the rock piles in the main lake between Goose Island and O'Sullivan Dam. Potholes are now at the low water status typical for this time of year. Cover is harder for fish to locate for sanctuary. (Now is when the underwater habitat restoration project is the most valuable,
Fish the shady side of the weed matts, rock piles, beaver huts, & points of the sand dunes on the main lake. As for perch they are everywhere!!! We have limits of perch coming off the dock daily and reports of perch being caught by boaters all over the reservoir. Put a crappie jig and a worm on and you will find perch. There are suspended perch in the Lind Coulee or just about any hump in the sand dunes. The mouth of Frenchman's Wasteway at Potholes State Park has been a hot spot all summer for perch limits. The walleye's are harder to catch due to the vast perch explosion creating the best food availability in decades. Walleye troller's on the face of the sand dunes are landing walleye in 5 to 15 feet of water using Rapala Shad Rap's and Slow Death Hooks with night crawlers. For walleye fishers the North-East side of Goose Island is the go to place fishing from 5 to 25 feet deep on ledges. Take a lot of worms because the perch are great bait stealers. You will also catch some nice smallmouth bass and perch with walleye using the slow death rig with crawler. Crappie fishing has been the best it has in years for legal 9 inch crappie. The MarDon Dock in the early morning or just about anywhere you have a brush pile near 9-19 feet of water has been providing good crappie action. Small plugs work great and you get a lot of bass, bluegill and perch as by catch.
The MarDon Marathon Dock Tournament is the September 13-15. It should be the fishiest in years! This is a great time for family fishing fun. The entrance fee to join the competition is $40 per person and limiting that to 200 fishers. For information call (509) 346-2651 or go to the events tab on On Sunday September 15 at 11am Dock Tournament Competition ends. We then move to the potluck and awards ceremony. After we enjoy the potluck we will hold a raffle of donated items, additionally we will draw winning tickets for the Triploid Trout Raffle. Triploid Trout will be planted in Corral Lake during late fall this year. This is a cooperative project with region 2 fish biologist and the Central Washington Fish Advisory Committee (
Royal Hunt Club Passes are $300 for a seasonal membership. Sales are limiting this to 250 seasonal members. This grants access to 25,000 acres of private property on Royal Slope to hunt pheasants, ducks & geese ( No Guides Allowed). Also, the boosters buy 500 pheasants to be released at designated sites on 4 consecutive weekends. The pheasant release begins the weekend after opening weekend for pheasants. For information please call (509) 346-2651.
The Duck Taxi and Field Hunting outings may be booked anytime thru Meseberg Adventures, to make reservation please call (509) 346-2651.