Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Chief Moses students thank members for clean-up

| October 18, 2013 6:00 AM

Nearly 200 community members from several local LDS churches around Sept. 11th, came to Chief Moses Middle School and cleaned out the weeds, broken lawn barriers, dead shrubs, and made our back courtyard beautiful.

They used the Sept 11th date as a reminder to give back to their communities and we at Chief Moses appreciate all of the hard work of these volunteers.

Small children to earth moving machinists worked several hours to make the grounds transform into a place to hold POD meetings and as a space to conduct science experiments.

The students and staff are most appreciative of Mr. Heaps and his large crew of volunteers, and the businesses that provided resources to replace the trees, bark, curbing and lawn.

They did a terrific job improving our school grounds and as one student stated, "They made our school greener, helped with the environment, and make Chief Moses Middle School rock!"

Alecia Haws, Lilly Throneberry, Katlynn Espinoza,

Chief Moses Middle School students