Reader wonders about the federal government shutdown?
Is the Federal Government having a childish temper tantrum?
Certainly "closing" open air monuments (World War II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial) make me wonder if more money is being spent keeping people away than is normally spent keeping these places open.
However, we should begin to question how many federal agencies that were not explicitly listed in the original US Constitution (and may duplicate existing State agencies) should be dismantled and replaced, if they are even needed, at State level. Do we really need a Federal Department of
Housing and Urban Renewal? Do we really need a Federal Department of Education? Do we really need a Federal Department of Agriculture (perhaps to watch grass grow in Washington DC)?
Will this shutdown slow the Environmental Protection Agency from issuing regulations to eliminate the carbon dioxide pollution from soft drinks, beer, sparkling water, dry ice, and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers?
Will this Federal government shutdown simply prove to the public that most agencies should really be more directly under the control of the local citizens? Does anyone believe that the people in Washington DC are super intelligent when compared to us "dumb" people out in the states?
Some other "stupid" questions, will those people who have been sent home because the government is "shut down" eventually be paid as if they had been working? Or will they get "unemployment benefits"?
Any bets on how long before Washington DC realizes that the shutdown proves that life is better without the Federal government?
Thomas Fancher
Moses Lake