Saturday, May 04, 2024

Reader questions the 'Affordable Health Care Act'

| November 30, 2013 5:00 AM

What is the intended consequence of the "Affordable Health Care Act?" Perhaps that is the most critical question, and it is not being asked by the major TV networks!

There are plenty of liberals who would claim that it is to provide health insurance and care for everyone, and reduce the cost of health care.

That stated goal will not be reached for many reasons. Most obvious is there will soon be three groups of medical professionals. (1) retired, (2) private concierge medical doctors and hospitals, and (3) overworked, overwhelmed, and underfunded "public" care facilities.

Could it be, as suggested by Dinesh D'Souza's movie "2016" in the summer of 2012, that the intended consequence is to "fundamentally transform America" into a third-world country? Has this law been written to destroy small businesses, and bankrupt individuals? Is the hidden goal to reduce the cost of Social Security and Medicare by removing health care that keeps people alive? Few people recognize Social Security was first setup when less than 5% of the population lived to age 65. It was not designed to support large numbers of retired people, but provide money to the government.

Has the Occupant of the White House completely forgotten his sworn duty to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States"? Does he "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States?

Of course the Occupant is right in blaming the Republicans. They didn't work hard enough to stop it! They gave warnings about the problems and offered alternatives. But now, instead of the great legacy of having "attempted to pass wonderful Progressive Health Care" and failed - it passed! Now everyone is seeing this great turkey at Thanksgiving for what it is! Happy Holidays, but save your money for we don't know what 2014 will bring!

Thomas Fancher

Moses Lake