Saturday, May 04, 2024

Help local businesses by shopping near home

| November 30, 2013 5:00 AM

Do you want to think of ways to save money on gas, support local businesses and help keep residents employed?

Shopping locally is just one way to help accomplish those goals.

You'll be surprised what you can find in stores throughout the Columbia Basin.

A special Christmas ornament hanging on the tree of a Third Avenue boutique or a handmade piece of furniture can make your holiday wish list complete.

It likely won't be a cookie cutter replica on shelves elsewhere. Better yet, you will have delighted a family member or friend with a special and unique gift.

There's a practical side to shopping near home too.

Helping local retailers stay open maintains competition among retailers, keeping prices more affordable than they would have been otherwise.

A distinct variety of items can be found in local businesses because the owner likely lives in the Columbia Basin and knows what the customers likes.

Your neighbors and local residents are also able to keep working when you support their bosses, the business owners.

It's good for everyone when area jobs are preserved and maintained. Unemployment levels aren't increasing and people are kept working and not reliant on others for survival.

Local business owners are ingrained in the communities they serve, care about the appearance of their stores, and want the community to do well. If they didn't, they wouldn't be here.

Customers benefit from the personalized service and appreciation shown in the mad rush of the holiday season.

They receive the satisfaction of knowing their hard-earned dollars stayed close to home and helped their fellow residents in countless ways. We encourage you to shop locally during this holiday season.

- Editorial Board