Saturday, May 04, 2024

#CBHFishbowl announces winner

by Shawn CardwellSocial Media Editor
| November 6, 2013 8:57 AM

MOSES LAKE - Congratulations to Jonathan Robison, winner of CBH’s Fishbowl Contest on Instagram! Robison sent in a ‘selfie’ from his work and from the looks of it, the crew at Inland Cellular stays busy and has fun doing it.

“Social Media is the key to our generation. It’s a good tool and a great way to outreach,” Robison said.

The Columbia Basin Herald and Inland Celluar are encouraging the use of social media, like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter by sharing deals, information and photos with their friends and followers.

Inland Cellular will be holding a Social Media Mixer November 20 to spread public awareness of the possibilities these tools have. Location and time of the event has yet to be announced.

Thank you for participating, Robison!

Robison won two season tickets to the Central Basin Community Concert Association 2013-2014 concert series. Concerts include mezzo-soprano singer Laurie Rubin Friday, the Gothard Sisters February 13 and Jesse Lynch Jazz 101 May 1.

Be sure to enter a photo to win our next Ugly Sweater Contest! You can post your photos to the Herald’s Facebook at, tweet to The_CBH or #CBHsweater on Instagram! Rules and more information to be announced.

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