Ephrata advances in polygraph training
EPHRATA - The Ephrata Police Department is moving forward with plans to send an officer to a polygraph training class in June.
At the last Quincy City Council meeting Police Chief Richard Ackerman presented a proposal for an interagency agreement between the Quincy Police Department and the Ephrata Police Department.
As part of the agreement, Ephrata would send Officer Jeff Wentworth to the polygraph training class and pay for his salary, benefits and equipment and Quincy would pay for the tuition of the class.
The council rejected Ackerman's proposal because they were unsure how much savings the city would actually see in return for loaning money for the tuition.
According to Ephrata Police Chief Mike Warren, both the equipment and tuition cost $4,900.Ephrata City
Administrator Wes Crago said at Wedneday's city council meeting the staff has been able to adjust the budget so that the cost of sending Wentworth to the class is stretched over multiple years.
"We are able to send our officer this year under the existing budget and then we can purchase the equipment at worst next year and we can still have a substantial savings," Crago said.
According to Crago, the city would lose around $100 the next two years, but end up saving between $5,000 and $6,000 after the third year.
Law enforcement agencies in Grant County have to hire outside contractors to perform polygraph examinations.
The Ephrata Police Department averages about 10 examinations per year for new hires, reserve officers and criminal cases, Warren explained.