Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Fresh News from MarDon

| May 4, 2013 6:00 AM

Bass and walleye fishing on potholes reservoir is heating up along with the weather. Water temps are up and fish are starting to spawn. We've had numerous reports of nice fish caught and released this week. If you want to see big walleye plan to be at MarDon Resort on May 4 & 5th to watch the 2013 CWFAC Spring Walleye Classic weigh-ins. This is a catch and release tourney that is also a fundraiser for our lake habitat project. Walleye fishers come from all over the Pacific Northwest for this tournament. Weigh-in's are at 4pm on Saturday and 1:30 on Sunday. The raffle and Awards ceremony follow the Sunday weigh-in. We invite you to enjoy an afternoon at the lake.

Or, if bass is what tickles your fancy you won't want to miss the TBF qualifier. TBF stands for The Bass Federation and TBF is allied with FLW Outdoors, the oldest grass-roots angling organization in America. We are hosting a TBF qualifier which brings fisherman in from Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Idaho and Washington. Tournament dates are May 8, 9 & 10. The weigh-ins are televised and impressive. Please contact our office

Calendar of Events: May 4-5: Spring Walleye Classic, May 8-10: TBF District Qualifier, May 18-19: The MarDon Open Bass Tournament, May 24-27: Memorial Day Weekend, June 8-9: WA State Free Fishing Weekend, June 15-16: 2013 WA Bowfishing Championship, July 5: Golf Cart Parade & Fireworks at Dusk, August 24: Lake Poker Run and Beach Party