Republicans plan candidate seminar
MOSES LAKE - The Grant County Republican Party invites you to an evening with Scott Roberts, expert on running for political office.
The Citizen Action Network director of the Freedom Foundation will give a presentation on Thursday, May 2, at Bob’s Café in Moses Lake. There will be a 6 p.m. no-host meal.
“And great teaching from Washington’s premiere liberty foundation,” GRCP chairwoman Kimber Lybbert said.
Roberts will discuss the importance of local elections and how to run for local office. He understands this to be the foundation of effective constitutional leadership for Washington State.
Grant County has 122 positions up for election this year. The filing week will be May 13-17.
“Bring a friend and come ready to learn how to build our freedom-loving farm team,” Lybbert said.
You may contact GCRP Canvassing Chair, Dani Bolyard with any questions at or 707-3367. This notice may also be found at