Thursday, May 02, 2024

Mark Grigg's 70 wins Royal's U.S. Open Golf Day

by Royal Register EditorTed Escobar
| June 23, 2013 6:00 AM

ROYAL CITY - The Royal Golf Course was set up like a U.S. Open course last Saturday, and some players at U.S. Open Day were up to the task.

Mark Grigg tamed the long rough and fast greens for a low gross score of 70 in the handicap division. Andy Webster had a 3-over-par 75 for second place.

The low net winner was Rori Carmack with 68. Jim Adolphson took second place with a net 69.

In the non-handicap division, the low gross winner with 93 was Richard Carmack. Second place, with 99, went to Jason Madigan.

Mario Salazar, with 72, was the low net winner in the non-handicap division. Eli Villarreal took second place net at 73.

Grigg was a winner twice in special contests. He won closest to the pin on hole No. 11 with a tee shot that finished 8-2.5 from the hole. He also took the long drive competition.

Eric Williams won most eights with 10. Most eights was instituted for the way the course was set up. No score higher than eight was allowed on any hole.