Thursday, May 02, 2024

Teacher finds 'News in Education' useful

| June 14, 2013 6:00 AM

I wanted to let you know how indispensable your News In Education program has been for our class. All year, I have had the Herald delivered to my classroom to use within class. It has been a wonderful resource and your generosity has made an impact in our school

To offer one example, my Advanced Placement English students completed a unit on journalism and research this fall, and thanks to your program we had four weeks of papers and articles to read and analyze. By analyzing articles from different weeks and different reporters, the students were able to identify how journalists create stories, the style of writing used to express ideas, and how articles tend to be organized. They deduced this all without a single lecture from me, thanks to the resources provided by of the Herald through the NIE program.

This program directly helped my students learn. Thank you.

Jon Mcclintick
