Thursday, March 06, 2025

Readers opine on hot topics

| July 12, 2013 6:00 AM

What are some hot conversation topics in the Columbia Basin? If you check out our website,, you will find heartfelt comments from our readers, who are staying engaged and informed, even in the summer months. (And look at this week's letters to the editors below for other viewpoints).

Our top website stories include: Moses Lake may close museum, rec center, rink, Othello PD recommends child molestation charges against elementary teacher, Man tased after foot chase in Moses lake, Moses Lake man wins wing eating contest and Quincy man charged in stabbing at baptism.

Our most commented website stories are as follows: Moses Lake may close museum, rec center, rink, Grant County ranks third in number of cows, Soap Lake mayor confirms fire chief let go, Moses Lake council endorses dog park and Dairy Women celebrate babies and dairy.

Online our readers provided many opinions under their screen names. In responce to the story about Moses Lake's budget woes, reader "mldude" reminded people services cost money to continue. "Quit blaming the city and focus your attention on the county assessor and commissioners for entering into the agreement with REC. No revenue, no services," he wrote in part.

"Local reader" suggested a reduction in the size of Moses Lake's city government bureaucracy.

"We need more private sector jobs," local reader wrote. "We have already filled all of the potholes in the city. I know many other areas of our city where unnecessary services can be shed instead of things like parks which don't require much maintenance to begin with. Instead of some government worker, hire a troubled youth and teach him responsibility."

A reader with the screen name "Someone smart" suggested the city provide the museum and rec center's classrooms to Moses Lake High School to relieve its overcrowding.

"Huge unused buildings, volunteer job experience for high school students at the museum and rec center, and good training for high school students at city maintenance, landscaping and rest room cleaning," Someone smart said in part. "They work for credits, experience and letters of reference then the city gets free workers! Your always talking about how high school students need more school to job ready training, here you go so stop asking for more tax payer money to waste on huge dumb projects."

Your comments are what make a newspaper. Thank you for caring enough to share your thoughts.

Keep joining the discussion by writing letters to the editor and adding your comments to our stories online.

- Editorial Board