The Fishin' Magician: Triploids at Rufus Woods and steelhead at Bridgeport
I got a call the other day from a friend that had heard that there had been some new triploids released into Rufus Woods Reservoir. If that was true he was going to get up there as soon as he could.
I got a note out to Ron Oules, Reel-Lent-Less Guide Service in Brewster, asking him if he had heard anything about more triploids being caught at Rufus. He replied that no, fishing was jus the same up there. It can be air one day and not so good the next.
He also reported that there are steelhead being caught at Bridgeport. Nothing very hot, but anglers can expect to take two or three a day up there. Bobbers and jigs are still doing the trick. I have found the currents very heavy below Chief Joseph and Wells on my last couple of trips up north. I am going to spend more time back trolling for steelhead as long as these conditions persist.
Iam trying to slow down my presentation, so a steelhead has a chance to decide to eat my bait. For those who are waiting for a re-opening of some of our steelhead waters here, it will probably late February before that happens.