Reader angered by player's lack of patriotism
I am a football fan (Go Hawks) and a American Veteran. I watched the most disgusting display of disrespect from the quarterback of the New England Patriots during the playing of our National Anthem prior the Championship Game today. Angered me so much that I wrote and sent this letter before the kickoff. I understand the edginess of the players on the upcoming game. But to not show respect by placing your hand over your heart is understandable (not by me), but to shove your poor cold hands in your hand sissy pouch during the Anthem is flat out disrespect! He calls himself a New England Patriot, I don't think so. I was pro New England up to that point. Then to see the injured and sore Ray Lewis show loving emotion in front of millions turned my anger away. So, win or (I hope) lose, screw you Brady!