Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| January 16, 2013 12:00 PM

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Kittitas County Boat Launch Recreational Improvement Project.

RCW 197-11-970


DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Kittitas County Boat Launch Recreational

Improvement Project.

The proposed in-water and upland facilities will be constructed at the existing Kittitas

Boat Launch recreation site. All work will occur in the existing 3.9 acre disturbed


In water work includes the following:

• Boat Ramp - The proposed boat ramp would include a new concrete approach apron, double 20 ft. wide concrete launch lanes, concrete float abutment, and a series of floats(see handling floats details below). The concrete ramp would be constructed on a 12-inch deep prepared gravel foundation. Riprap will be installed around the boat ramp concrete at the toe and at the north and south edges.

Note: Temporary fill (less than 200 CY) composed of angular quarry spalls or streambed gravel may be used within the footprint of the boat ramp for temporary access to assist in gaining access to the outer segment of the boat ramp for construction purposes. All temporary fill would be removed prior to placement of the final concrete ramp slab.

• Handling Floats - The proposed handling floats will consist of eight, 20 ft. long aluminum floats all with a width of 8 ft., supported by seven new 12.75 inch diameter steel pipe piles. A 10 ft. long by 8 ft. wide aluminum transfer span will be included. All floats will be 100% grated surfacing meeting current light penetration standards and ADA requirements.

• Navigation Channel - The proposed navigation channel would be formalized and improved by dredging to widen the channel to 50 ft. and deepen to an elevation of 560.5 ft.. Based on discussions with the U.S. Coast Guard’s Federal Private Aids to Navigation Manager for the Columbia River, five navigation aids will be installed to mark the navigation channel. These will consist of dayboards mounted on 12.75-inch diameter steel pipe piles meeting the U.S. Coast Guard’s standards for private aids to navigation.

• Navigation Channel Side Slope Stabilization - The proposed navigation channel side slopes will be stabilized with rock (quarry spalls) to protect exposed slopes from waves and currents, and to minimize future maintenance work and maintenance dredging. Channel slope stabilization will be conducted from the waterward edge of the boat ramp toe protection along the side slopes of the navigation channel. Slopes will be 2.5:1 as shown on the drawings. Slope stabilization will consist of a 1.5 ft. thick layer of quarry spalls material with a maximum size of 10”. The quarry spalls will cover the navigation channel slope Kittitas County Boat Launch Recreational Improvement Project DNS.doc from the low elevation of EL 558.5’ up to a varying top of slope, with a maximum elevation of EL 575.0 ft..

• South Jetty - The proposed modified rock jetty will maintain wave protection for the improved boat launch and provide a location for riparian plantings. Proposed jetty work consists of removing and/or reconfiguring the large existing jetty rock and replacing portions of the riprap jetty with suitable substrates to support riparian vegetation as onsite mitigation. The modified jetty will be reduced in size by approximately 300 square feet with the relocated outer edge at EL 575.0. The section of the modified south jetty adjacent to the new boat launch will be stabilized to protect the slope from erosion.

• Streambed Enhancement for Shoreline Area - The proposed improvements to the shoreline area south of the south jetty include the installation of natural rounded gravel/cobble habitat fill below OHWM to improve habitat substrates along the existing southern portion of the jetty improvements. The streambed habitat fill material will be composed of a mixture of natural rounded gravel and cobble placed at a 7:1 slope from the new EL 575’ contour to the existing grade. The proposed shoreline streambed enhancement fill will be placed at an approximate maximum width of 25 ft. and length of 200 ft.

• Streambed Enhancement for Fish Stranding Area - In addition to the habitat fill on the south jetty, streambed enhancement material may be placed depending on the suitability of dredged material for this purpose. If suitable, dredged material would be placed in the depressions along the river bottom adjacent to the south jetty where fish may become stranded at lower water levels. The streambed habitat fill material will be composed of the same mixture of natural rounded gravel and cobble and placed at a thickness of approximately 1 ft. or as needed to facilitate drainage of water and to prevent ponding of water in the depressions. The proposed shoreline streambed enhancement fill for fish stranding area will be placed at an approximate maximum area of 100 ft. by 75 ft.

Upland work includes the following:

• Access Road – No improvements to either access road are proposed as part of this project.

• Maneuver Area – The passenger car stalls currently positioned at the east edge of the site will be relocated and a formal queuing/make-ready area providing waiting and passenger unloading for several tow-vehicles will be located here. A concrete walk will be positioned immediately east of the queuing lane, and will connect to the picnic area and the handling floats. A tie down area will be positioned west of the restroom and provide tie down space for approximately two vehicles.

• Auto Parking and Ramp – The passenger car stalls will be relocated so tow vehicles queuing for the launch do not obstruct them. They will be located proximate to the majority of the upland amenities and furnishings on the north edge of the site. ADA accessible passenger stalls will be provided.

• Tow Vehicle Parking – The parking area will be reconstructed and the parking area surface will be repaved with a gravel base and asphalt. Some existing paving and material below grade will be removed to create channelization islands that will be curbed and sumped. The curb will have curb cuts to allow runoff from the parking area to enter the sumped islands. The islands will provide stormwater water quality treatment. One existing channelization island near the entry to the parking area will remain raised. All of the islands will be vegetated with native upland species. Vehicle barriers will be placed to discourage parking use of adjoining upland on the west and south edges of the site on properties that are owned by Kittitas County and Washington State (Department of Transportation), respectively. The Kittitas County Sheriff’s Department may in the future site a metal clad boat storage structure on the west end of the existing parking lot.

• Picnic and Restroom Facilities – Five new picnic tables will be provided. All paths will be made ADA accessible, and two of the new picnic tables will be ADA accessible.

• Connector Trails/Path - The existing path connecting the parking area to Riverstone Resort and on to the north jetty will be eliminated. A paved path on the south jetty will be removed. A new trail connecting the boat launch area with Riverstone Resort will be established. It will connect the proposed concrete plaza (near existing restroom facility) with the existing concrete walk that is north of the project site within the Riverstone Resort area. This trail will cross the existing basalt lined drainage and contour easterly along a small outcropping (north of the parking area) until reaching a large turf recreation area. From here the trail will turn north and connect with the existing concrete walk located at the end of the Holiday Avenue right-of-way. The trail and associated grading will be above OHW.

PROPONENT: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington


The proposal will be located at the existing public boat launch facility at Vantage, Kittitas County, Washington in the northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Township 17 North, Range 23 E.

46.9556 (46 56’28.44”)N; -119.9485 (119 59’ 3.78”)W

LEAD AGENCY: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington

The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.

o There is no comment period for this DNS.

o This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS.

6 This DNS is issued under WAC 197–11–340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by January 30, 2013 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Responsible official: J. Darrell Pock

Position/title: Project Specialist III

Phone: (509) 754-5098

Address: P.O. Box 878

30 C St. SW

Ephrata, WA 98823

Date: 1/11/13 _Signature:_/s/______________________ _____

J. Darrell Pock, Project Specialist III

6 There is no agency appeal.


Pub.: January 16 & 23, 2013