Reader appreciates perspective on tragedies perpetrated by man
To the editor:
Thank you for putting a different perspective on the Newtown shooting. This certainly answers one of the questions many of us have as to why this happened.
An internet article gave the statements of two of our leaders, one in politics and the other in religion. One said it happened because of the immorality our government has given approval of and the other claimed it was God's judgment.
Both statements have some merit, but only in part. Perhaps these senseless killings are a wakeup call to the Church.
I do believe judgment is upon us, but Scriptures tell us judgment begins with the household of God, that is the Church. If we, who are called by His Name, do not respond to this judgment in the appropriate way, there will be no hope for our Nation.
Second Chronicles tells us the church has been given the responsibility of the fate of the Nations, ours included. So why aren't we willing to fall on our knees and accept this duty and seek repentance?
He has given us the tools and the protective gear to accomplish His will here on earth. Are we too proud to admit we have taken a wrong turn during the past few decades and need to turn back to Him instead of continuing our own way.
My prayer is that we, the Church, will as one unit, joined together by faith, gain the courage to step up and accept the responsibility for the spiritual sickness that has pervaded our Nation and seek healing while He is judging in His mercy.
Alvin R. Burgess
Moses Lake, WA