Friday, November 15, 2024

Reader urges reexamining of electoral college

| February 1, 2013 5:00 AM

Separate statehood? Annexing into Idaho? Secede from the Union? These are a few ideas mentioned by a frustrated electorate determined to make their voices heard. Realistically, none of them are likely to occur. So what CAN be done to achieve voter equality?

Consider this: There already are some states that do not award the full slate of electoral votes to one candidate. If Washington adopted this system, all voters, regardless of party affiliation, would know that their vote actually did count for something in spite of the states overall outcome. Additionally, if an Independent candidate received enough votes to win a piece of the electoral pie, it should be awarded accordingly. This system maintains the integrity of the Electoral College while more closely mirroring the national vote.

Washington is a good example of what is wrong with the current 'all or nothing' allotment. The Presidential candidates barely bothered to campaign here. We were considered a blue state, a done deal, and not worth allocating valuable resources by either party. When you consider how few counties actually do vote majority blue in this state, the inequity becomes clear. With electoral votes divided proportionally, Washington becomes relevant, and maybe the election won't be decided before our polls are even closed. Other examples of what's wrong with the current system are Ohio and Florida. Their winner take all allotment gives them a disproportionate importance over the rest of the country.

This proposal is not about favoring the Republicans, or the Democrats who were calling for change following Al Gore's defeat. It is about truly representing all who exercise their right to vote. Please contact your Representatives and urge them to move forward with this important legislation so that it is in place before the next presidential election. The time to act is now.

Bonnie Schroeder
