Saturday, April 27, 2024

Readers support Mary Perry

| December 6, 2013 5:00 AM

We're supporting Mary Perry for election to the open director post of Moses Lake Irrigation and Rehabilitation District. Mary has been a regular attendee at the district meetings the past two years. Mary has the time, energy, commitment and passion to serve as an active member of the MLIRD. Mary is an outgoing friendly person who will be willing to discuss difficult issues in a positive manner. She is open to hearing differing opinions from others and diligently work to find a positive solution.

Mary has been a resident of Moses Lake for 46 years. During this time she has served on many committees and commissions including the United Way Board and its Allocation Committee, PTSO, as well as the Tourism board for over 19 years. Along the way she also worked as a social worker for over 30 years.

Mary is an individual who believes in being involved in her community. She will represent us well on the MLIRD board.

Michael Riggs and Audrian Huff

Moses Lake