Tuesday, January 07, 2025


| August 29, 2013 1:00 PM

DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Rocky Ford to Dover 115 kV Transmission Line/

Moses Lake Reinforcement 115 kV Line

RCW 197-11-970


DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Rocky Ford to Dover 115 kV Transmission Line/

Moses Lake Reinforcement 115 kV Line

Grant PUD is proposing to construct a new 115 kV transmission line to increase electrical load capacity in the Moses Lake area. The new line would be located within Grant County between the Rocky Ford Substation and the Dover Substation. The purpose of the project is to provide efficient, reliable service to Grant PUD customers, improve voltage stability, and alleviate capacity limitations.

This alignment was chosen from a route alternatives study that considered three route alternatives and their impacts to community resources, farming practices, water resources, fish and wildlife resources, land use and zoning, and real estate. This alignment had the least impact to the six criteria reviewed. Additionally, public comments received in response to the three alternatives strongly favored this alignment.

The new transmission line will be approximately eight miles long and located north of State Route (SR 17) in Grant County. The alignment would extend eastward from the Grant PUD’s Rocky Ford Substation located on the northeast side of SR 17 near Rocky Ford Creek in Grant County to the Dover Substation near Moses Lake. See Figure 1 – Vicinity Map of the alignment.

Land disturbance related to the transmission line project would result from installation and maintenance of the new power poles; and preparation of temporary construction staging areas. The disturbed land required to construct the line for the project has been estimated to be 5 acres. Due to the proximity to developed road right-of-way, access to install the transmission line would be from the existing roads and overland travel. At the designated staging area, contractors would store and access materials to construct the line. Poles and other equipment would be stored at these sites and transported to the project area as they were needed.

Following construction, the land would be reseeded with a regularly used hand broadcast seed mix. Periodic inspections may require vehicle access to the sites, but no regular maintenance activity at each pole location is expected.

PROPONENT: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington


The route begins at the Rocky Ford Substation on existing structures then crosses Neppel Road NE with new structures and continues in a southeast direction along the east side of Neppel Road NE and crosses Road 11 NE. The transmission line route runs in a southeast direction parallel along the north side of SR 17 within the right-of-way while crossing Northlake Road NE, two private access roads to the Grant County International Airport, and Randolph Road NE. This section of the route is located within the runway approach of the Grant County International Airport. The route then runs east through private parcels including the Church of Moses Lake, crossing Arnold Drive NE to run along the north side of Newell Street. Then, the route runs east crossing 26th Avenue NE and Patton Boulevard NE to connect to the Dover Substation (See Figure 1).

It would be located in Township 20 North, Range 28 East, Sections 30, 32, 33; and Township 20 North, Range 27 East, Sections 4, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 23-25.

LEAD AGENCY: Public Utility District No. 2 of Grant County, Washington

The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.

o There is no comment period for this DNS.

o This DNS is issued after using the optional DNS process in WAC 197-11-355. There is no further comment period on the DNS.

6 This DNS is issued under WAC 197–11–340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by September 12, 2013 5:00 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Responsible official: J. Darrell Pock

Position/title: Project Specialist III

Phone: (509) 754-5098

Address: P.O. Box 878

30 C St. SW

Ephrata, WA 98823

Date: 8/26/13 Signature:/s/__________________________________

J. Darrell Pock, Project Specialist III

6 There is no agency appeal.


Pub.: August 29 & September 5, 2013