Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Fresh News from MarDon

by Mike MesebergHerald Columnist
| August 24, 2013 6:00 AM

Perch action is so HOT you can't believe it unless you see if for yourself. Family fishing is returning to Potholes Reservoir. The MarDon Dock has been producing 25 fish perch limits for months now. The crappie fishing has also been increasing as the summer continues. The face of O'Sullivan Dam continues to provide excellent smallmouth bass actin using Yamamoto Plastic Grubs and top water lures.

Upcoming Events:

Come join the great excitement and extreme fun at our 6th Annual Beach Party & Lake Poker Run at MarDon Resort! The Lake Poker Run is not a race! Boaters have up to 5 hours to complete the course. Take your time and enjoy some great boating and island hopping.

Registration is from 6pm-9pm on Friday Night 8/23/2013 and from 9am-11am on 8/24/13 at The Beach Bar & Grill. Lake stops open at 11am and will close at 5pm. The final stop opens at 4pm on the sandy beach at MarDon Resort with music, food, dancing, and more. The deadline to arrive at Stop #5 is 6pm. Dinner is served at 6pm.

For more information on events or for a current fishing report please call (509) 346-2651 or visit www.mardonresort.com