Officer suggests ecology blocks as anti-gang effort
MATTAWA - Mattawa Police Cpl. Antonio Valdivia has suggested ecology blocks as one way to curb gang activity in the community.
Valdivia made his recommendation, in the form of a letter, at the July 18 meeting of the Mattawa City Council. He said the blocks could be helpful on Riverview St., where gang activity is "excessive."
Ecology blocks are concrete barriers that can be moved only with heavy equipment. They can stop a car on a drive-by mission.
The council instructed the police department to contact the fire department and the city's insurance carrier to learn their perspectives on ecology blocks.
In other business on July 18, Mayor Judy Esser swore in Fabiola Hernandez as a new council member.
Citizen Diane Hyndman asked the council to allow chickens within the city limits. She said she has researched cities that allow chickens, and it is done with certain restrictions.
In another police matter, Chief John Turley handed council members a proposal for the installation of a camera system around town. Turley has said the cameras would be used for gathering evidence but not for surveillance of residents or setting up speed traps.
Turley told the council that his police department has received two radars from Grant County.
The Mattawa Community Clinic was presented a plaque for its support in supplying child education kits a few weeks ago at the fire department. Dana Fox and Wendy Lopez were present to accept the plaque.