Hot Desert Night this Saturday
DESERT AIRE - Hot Desert Night, the Mattawa-Desert Aire Lions Club's annual community festival, will be held at Desert Aire this Saturday.
HDN will start with the annual golf tournament at the Desert Aire golf course at 7:30 a.m. Contact Bob Carter at 253-208-8444 if you wish to compete
The annual Desert Aire Airport drag races will get underway at 12 noon. The contact person for that event is Bob Adler at 509-439-0250.
The entry fee for cars will be $20. The admission for spectators will be $5.
Also starting at noon will be the annual classic car show in the park. Val Carter is the contact person at 253-208-8444.
The annual catered dinner in the park will get under way at 5:30 p.m. Contact Bob Adler at 509-439-0250 for tickets.
Dinner tickets will cost $20 For adults. The ticket price for children 6-12 will be $10.
The annual Hot Desert Night dance will get under way at the same venue in the park at 7 p.m. The music will be provided by The Rockodiles.