Thursday, March 06, 2025

Moses Lake chamber workshops offered

by Tiffany SukolaHerald Staff Writer
| April 21, 2013 6:00 AM

MOSES LAKE - Basin business owners can learn how to increase profits and use social media to their advantage by participating in two workshops offered by the Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce next week.

Business coach Kevin Weir will present the first workshop at the chamber from 3 to 5 p.m. Tuesday. Weir will show participants how to increase cash flow and gross profits during the free workshop.

Chamber Executive Director Debbie Doran-Martinez said Weir will also give an overview of a new program he is launching in partnership with the chamber.

The year-long program helps participants grow their business with weekly assignments, conference calls and web meetings, Doran-Martinez said.

New businesses, struggling business or business wanting to take things to the next level will all benefit from the program, she said.

Cheri Lesueur, of Actively Implementing Marketing Solutions, will lead the second workshop from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the chamber office. Doran-Martinez said the workshop will focus on ways small businesses can use Facebook and other social media sites to their advantage.

Thursday's workshop is $10 and includes lunch.

Doran-Martinez said the chamber offers various workshops throughout the year as a way to help business owners in the area improve.

"The more we can do to develop and grow our businesses, the better," she said.

The Moses Lake Chamber of Commerce is located at 324 S. Pioneer Way. For more information, or to register for either of the workshops, call 509-765-7888.